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Cactus's new platformer

If you've been following any of the major indie game blogs you've probably seen this already, but it's so mindblowing that I have had to post it here too.

This is one of the new games by Cactus, an incredible looking 3D platformer. I really have no idea how he even mentally conceives these games, let alone actually develops it, in Game Maker of all things!

Also - Still haven't had any playtester reports or feedback on Derelict 1.2 (except for some positive comments from beefok, cheers man) so I may have to delay the official release of 1.2 for another week or so.

I'm extremely surprised to find that even though the old Derelict (not counting Sam's mirror, which probably counts for more then half the number of downloads) has been downloaded 33 times this month, the new beta has only been downloaded 6 times!



Sam (not verified)

I have posted about Derelict 1.2 in a couple of places now. I'll give you my own comments soon.

As for cactus - I love his work! His games always innovate with visuals, gameplay, storytelling or (usually) all three! My personal favorites are 'Stench Mechanics' and 'BlockOn!' but everything he does is worth checking out.

The new game looks amazing!

Earok's picture
Joined: 02/06/2009

Cheers Sam. Got to play Stench Mechanics the other day, brilliant for a game done in one day! Though my favourites are still the Mondo series.

Joshua Smyth (not verified)

I've been meaning to check out 1.2 but my weekend was taken up by lying in bed and avoiding all computer screens.

Earok's picture
Joined: 02/06/2009

Cheers Josh, my weekend was mostly the same!