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Website plans

I am back in Auckland now after an extended work trip to the South Island. It was good catching up with family and friends, and meeting my niece Elizabeth, but it's great to be back here with Kirsty again.

Time to get back to business. My main focus at the moment is improving the website. I have a few ideas for enhancements but they may not be popular choices. So, I posted them here so that they can be discussed publicly.

Here are the plans that I have:

1. Indexing and Categorisation of useful articles.

I have already begun to do this. Interviews I posted or linked to on this site, as well as game design tools I have reviewed, are now easily accessible through the articles link at the top.

The idea of doing this is to make the site more useful to aspiring game developers who only visit the site casually, rather then reading through everything I've posted since day one!

Still, there's a lot more work to be done. There are a lot of articles buried deep in the site that still need indexing, and the "Views" I use to dynamically generate the Article pages need to be tidied.

2. Use of "Teasers" to summarise content

A "Teaser" is a short introduction or summary of an article. Teasers are shown on front pages and RSS feeds, but if you want to read the full article you have to click a "Read more" link.

Generally, news sites use teasers, and blogs simply show the full article. I have started adding teasers to some of my old articles and I'm wondering if it's worth doing it for all new content.

The way I see it, the advantages are articles you don't want to read are easier to skip past and it keeps the front page tidier, but the primary disadvantage is it forces you to click the "Read more" link for every article you want to read.

Any preferences, anyone?

3. Addition of powerful additional Drupal modules

I am planning to add some cool Drupal modules to enhance the look and feel of the site, including ones for Autosaving and for more functional forums (Similar in power to stand-alone forum packages).

It may be overkill for a small site with a tiny following, but there's no major reason why I shouldn't do it. Plus I can use this site as a test bed for technologies I use in other Drupal sites that I administer.

4. Renewed focus on interesting Content

I can only improve the site so far with feature upgrades, in order to make it truly worthwhile I need to continually add useful original and linked articles about game design. So, I'm going to strive to add at least 2-3 new articles on game design every week.

I'd be keen to publish content submitted by users, so let me know if you have any ideas.



Joined: 05/05/2009

Teasers? I know them as abstracts. :P

Earok's picture
Joined: 02/06/2009

I'm using Drupal terminology of course.

Malcolm (not verified)

Cool, I am keen to see how you get on :).