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Yikes, it has certainly been awhile since I last posted here.

Over the last couple of weeks or so I have been quietly tinkering with C# and the XNA framework. Today I finished the 2D tutorials from the Creators Club, and got some much needed tuition from some friends who are far more versed in C# than me. Now I am really starting to enjoy it, and I know this sounds incredibly fickle given my previous failures with C++/Ogre, Unity, UDK etc etc, but I think I may have finally found my migration path away from the Blitz family.

I think the reason why I am not struggling too much with XNA, whereas I never made much progress with either Unity or UDK, is that XNA is purely code. I struggle a bit with working in a 'wysiwyg' type environment and have better success when dealing with hard coded absolutes. (Even in some of my Blitz games I procedurally generated meshes in code that could have easily been made in a 3D modeller!)

I had to get myself an XBox 360 controller for Windows and got a real kick out of the Force Feedback function. I can't quite explain it, but after messing around in Game Development for over a decade there was something magical about having a piece of hardware move in response to a line of code I had written for the first time.

That said, I haven't liked everything about the XNA framework. I prefer things to be as simple as possible with the bare minimum number of lines used. About five lines of code are used in the tutorial for simply finding out whether or not a particular button had been tapped, in Blitz3D a simple 'keyhit()' function would have sufficed. Also apparently there isn't a built in solution to gimbal lock (Being able to rotate freely on all three axes) without using quaternions, which was one of the major reasons why I ditched DarkBasic for Blitz3D. And of course, it doesn't have a built in solution for heightmapped terrains, which I like to use for most of my games set outdoors.

So, I am quietly planning to build a library to resolve these issues, with the basic goal of bringing everything I love about Blitz3D toXNA. Other then that, my ideas for XNA projects include a port of Witchblaster (Just to get comfortable with the framework, though a silverlight port would be nice), a port of Blow Stuff Up, and ultimately a port of Derelict. Hopefully on the XBox Live Arcade!


The Global Game Jam 2010: Lessons learned

This post is well overdue, in part because I've been very busy with work recently, but also because I'm actually having a real struggle writing down my thoughts about it!

So, this is what I learned at the 2010 Global Game Jam in Auckland.


The point of a Game Jam is to try something completely different

In the space of 48 hours, you can't possibly compete with the best games in any genre. So try to invent your own.

One thing that disappointed me about most of the entries New Zealanders entered this year that I have seen this year is that most of them could be slotted nicely into existing genre archetypes - The adventure, the platformer, the shoot-em-up, and so on.

Contrast with the Hamilton 2009 entries Poultry Temperature Manager (Keep Chickens alive by keeping them the right proximity from each other) Canyon Chums (Two player game where ice climbers attempt to escape a Canyon) and Wardance (Blend of missile command and breakout, with strategic elements thrown in for good measure). All of these games were interesting because the core gameplay mechanics were utterly unlike anything that had ever been made before.

I admit to being guilty here: Despite having some arguably inventive addons, WitchBlaster is really just a standard shooter (With multiple levels, waves, end bosses, start, end and gameover screens - just like my 09 entry). And I had a lot of fun just making a shooter - I haven't touched the Shooter genre since the early 00s. However, how much more interesting would the game have been, if, for instance, you couldn't shoot at all but had to rely on reflexes and interesting powerups to escape dangerous situations?

In future Game Jams, this will be my priorities list:

  1. Invent an interesting new mechanic that is unlike any game ever played before
  2. Create content that allows this mechanic to be explored from as many angles as possible
  3. Add as much polish as time will permit


Being in a larger team is not necessarily an advantage

(Note - Since I was practically a solo team, albeit with contributions from others, this is definitely biased!)

It stands to reason that games made in small or solo teams won't be as large or as polished as those made by larger teams. After all, larger teams have more man-hours up their sleeves and a more diverse selection of talent to bring to the project.

However, I also noticed that the games made by larger teams were often less complete then those made by smaller teams. In fact, to me it almost seemed that the completeness of a game at the end of the Game Jam was inversely proportional to the size of it's team. I'm guessing this is because:

  • Expectations proportional to the team size
  • The increased amount of communication (The number of communications channel in any project increases exponentially with each member)
  • Decreased focus (The vision is diluted by the number of people who have a say, democracy does not work in game development!)

As Josh noted in his blog post on the Global Game Jam, the optimal team size seemed to be about 2-3 people.


Be prepared for the worst

Version Control is not enough if you don't have another copy of your tools. I found myself in this exact situation when the RAM on my Laptop died, and of course, no other computer on site had BlitzMax.

Next time, I'll make sure that I can run all of my tools from an external HDD if need be.


Budget your time

On the last day, with several huge features left to be added and time rapidly running out, I started setting hour-long goals for the last remaining features I wanted to put in the game. Even though I didn't quite manage to stick to my schedule (No thanks to my Laptop RAM!) this really drove me to stay on track and make sure everything got made in time.

Well, I can't really think of anything else to write so.. goodnight!

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth demo

Capcom have released a demo flash version of their upcoming Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth game for Nintendo DS, due to be released in New Zealand in a matter of weeks.

You can play it right here infact:

Well, hope you enjoy!


Global Game Jam: It's over

Well, I'm tired, sweaty and smelly. My laptop is a little worse for wear, as one third of it's RAM died on me during the weekend at the worst possible moment.

But somehow, I made it! I have another experimental game to add to my body of work: WitchBlaster, a sidescrolling shoot-em-up with some timetravel and disguise mechanics.

You can download it from here. I also strongly recommend you check out Terror-Misu (Which was voted to have the best art of the Auckland entries) and Cakewalk 7000 (Which was voted to be the best overall game of all of the Auckland entries). The rest of the Auckland entries can be found here.

My game was voted to have the best sound direction of the Auckland entries - though that's only because of the brilliant chip-tune-esque tracks that were provided by Josh and Damien at Thinkt studios

I can't stay for long so I'll end my post here, but Witchblaster will be added to the site soon, and I'll post a much longer entry on my thoughts. Stay tuned.

Off to the Global Game Jam

I'll be off to the Global Game Jam in just a few minutes. Unlike last year I won't be posting on the blog, but I will occasionally be posting on my twitter feed.

I will still be checking my email though, so you can reach me through the contact page if need be.

How not to make a fighting game

I was planning to do a step by step list of everything that was wrong with Rise of the Robots, but I found I didn't need to after I stumbled upon a classic Amiga Power review of the game.

Hard to believe a game that sold a million copies across all platforms got a 5% review in what was once a major magazine.

Edit - They forgot to mention that unlike in Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat etc, all of the characters are deliberately unbalanced. This is because the difficulty progression is managed by making the enemies more powerful in order, rather then simply giving them better AI. What's worse is the effect this has on multiplayer - some of the bots Player 2 can choose will have a huge advantage, others a huge disadvantage.

Also, this trailer for Rise of the Robots is unintentionally hilarious.

First Global Game Jam Challenge entry

Congratulations to Stephen Knightly (The designer of the Kiwi's Tale) for submitting proof of finishing two of the games on the site, as well as providing a game concept.

His idea is simply this:

Actually what I want is a game where the player can "jump back in time", taking with them their health, powerups, knowledge and then play alongside themselves maybe 30 seconds or 2 minutes earlier.
Sounds interesting, probably incredibly tricky to program, but there have been quite a few games across different genres that have done it (Braid, Blinx, Prometheus).
My current line of thinking is to do a bullet hell game, and if you die then you go back 30 seconds earlier in the level, but with your previous incarnation still in play. Basically, you play second player to yourself. I could even put in a twist where not allowing your old incarnation to die causes a time paradox and ends the game.
However, the challenge isn't over yet - If you can prove that you've beaten at least three of my games within the next 12 hours, then you can still win.
Edit - Calling off the challenge now, not likely to get another entry anyway, but it's only a few hours until the Global Game Jam and I have thought of what I think is a fairly solid concept for using Stephen's idea in a game.

Global Game Jam Challenge: Part III

The Global Game Jam 2010 starts in New Zealand at about 5PM on Friday, which means the deadline for the challenge closes in barely two days.

If you've even finished one of my games for the challenge, then you had better flick through your screenshot and idea to secure your entry. If the challenge expires with no entries, then.. well, I'll just have to think of the idea when I get there.

Global Game Jam Challenge: Part II

This is a follow up to the Global Game Jam Challenge post that I made.

Just to recap, I promised to make anyone's game idea for the Game Jam, within certain restrictions, if they managed to prove that they have finished Derelict, The Kiwi's Tale, Heart of Ice and Blow Stuff Up.

It's only a couple of weeks until the Game Jam and perhaps unsurprisingly, there haven't been any winners thus far. I think it's because:

   1. I haven't posted this anywhere other then this blog, or Twitter
   2. I don't exactly have a high readership - eight on Google Reader last time I checked
   3. I'm pretty certain most people who follow this site have worked on at least one of my games
   4. It's still a relatively big ask - even a skilled player could take more then five hours to beat the four games I listed.

So, in the hope of actually getting someone to win the challenge, I have decided to make the following rule changes.

Firstly, people who have worked on any of my games are no longer disqualified, provided that you don't use cheat codes or debug modes you know about to gain an unfair advantage.

Secondly, the winner will be the person who beat the most games before the end of the challenge, although anyone that beats all five of the games on my site (Firestart now counts as part of the challenge) will instantly become the winner.

Well, that's it. Good luck, and Godspeed!

Thoughts on the freeware games site project

I was having a talk with a friend the other week about my freeware games site idea. I think what he was trying to tell me was (You'll have to forgive me if I got it wrong!) was something along the lines of:

"Even if you did manage to build the website the way you imagined it, what would make it different to the rest?"

Which, is actually a really good point. In truth, my site would be no different to all of the other freeware sites out there, although hopefully it would have more content, flexibility and user interaction then most of the other ones. So what do I have to do to make it different?

He suggested that I should create a website centred around a certain niche, such as freeware Mac games or freeware RPG games, based on the idea that people are more likely to follow, or contribute to, a site focused solely on an area that they care about. Which I agree with, but there isn't a niche in freeware games that I care about enough to make an entire website about. However, I did come up with a compromise that I feel could work.

Leveraging the 'Organic Groups' contributed module for Drupal, I could give multiple different niches their own complete area of the site - With their own look, content contributors, moderators, news blog (Including RSS feed), forum, games library and so on.

There could be groups for virtually anything, such as by Platform (Mac, Linux freeware etc) Genre (RPG, FPS etc) or theme (Horror, Anime etc). There could even be a group called something like 'Gold class' which would be reserved for discussion of the very best freeware titles, or perhaps one called 'Old classics' which would be dedicated to formerly commercial games that have become freeware.

Each area of the site would be semi-autonomous in that it would be controlled by people that aren't actually involved with the running of the overall site. However, blog posts into each group could be syndicated to the front page, as well as posted in more then one section, for instance a post on a Mac RPG could be posted into both 'Mac' and 'RPGs'. There would still be the big library of games, but it wouldn't be the primary focus, just a useful tool.

So, now I have a new target to shoot for, one that's much higher but one that I think may result in a much more interesting and useful site.

Any feedback? I am particularly interested in hearing about what kinds of niches you would be interested in following or contributing to.